4105 Commands

In the following list capital letters are part of the command sequences and lower case identifiers denote Tektronix encoded parameters.

		 ESCIQ code 		 *NI Report terminal settings 

ESCIJ normal shifted
*NI Change GIN cursor speed


ESCKC *NI Cancel
ESCKR mode *NI Change carriage return/line feed mode
ESCKD number contents
*NI Define macro
ESCKO number contents
*NI Define nonvolatile macro
ESCKA mode *NI Enable dialog area
ESCKW mode *NI Enable key expansion
ESCKX number *NI Expand macro
ESCKH mode *NI Hardcopy
ESCKI mode Ignore deletes mode
ESCKF mode *NI Change line feed/carriage return mode
ESCKL mode *NI Lock keyboard
ESCKQ *NI Report errors
ESCKU *NI Save nonvolatile parameters
ESCKE mode *NI Change echo mode
ESCKZ char-delete line-delete literal
*NI Change edit characters
ESCKT threshold *NI Change error threshold
ESCKY char *NI Change key execute character
ESCKS mode *NI Change transparent mode
ESCKB positions *NI Change tab stops

ESCLL number *NI Change number of lines in dialog area
ESCLP start-point fill-boundary
*NI Start panel boundary
ESCLZ *NI Clear dialog area
ESCLG position *NI Draw to position
ESCLH position *NI Draw marker at position
ESCLE *NI Finish panel
ESCLT text *NI Graphic text
ESCLF position *NI Move to position
ESCLB number *NI Change number of lines for dialog buffer
ESCLI char-color char-background-color dialog-background-color
*NI Change dialog area color
ESCLV mode *NI Change dialog area visibility
ESCLM writing-mode
*NI Change dialog area writing mode

ESCMP number *NI Choose fill pattern
ESCMG writing-mode
*NI Change graphics area writing mode
ESCMN direction *NI Change graphtext direction
ESCMR mantissa power-of-two
*NI Change graphtext rotation
ESCMC width height spacing
*NI Change graphtext size
ESCML color *NI Change line color
ESCMV style Change line style
ESCMM type Change marker type
ESCMT text-color *NI Change text color

		 ESCNM mode 		 *NI Prompt mode 

ESCNR transmit receive
*NI Change baud rates
ESCNK time *NI Change break time
ESCNU char *NI Change echo suppression cancel character
ESCNE string *NI Change EOF string
ESCNT string *NI Change EOL string
ESCNC first-char second-char
*NI Change EOM characters
ESCNF mode *NI Change flow control mode
ESCNP string *NI Change prompt string
ESCNQ size *NI Change input buffer size
ESCNB stopbits *NI Change number of stop bits
ESCND delay *NI Change transmit delay

ESCQI values *NI Map color to monochrome values for print
ESCQU density *NI Choose color hardcopy image density
ESCQD type *NI Choose printer type
ESCQL pages page-origin ff-mode
*NI Change dialog hardcopy attributes
ESCQE attributes *Ni Change hardcopy monochrome attributes
ESCQO orientation
*NI Change image orientation

ESCRU plane writing-mode bits-per-pixel
*NI Begin pixel operations
ESCRX dest.-plane d.-lower-left-corner
first-source-corner second-s.-corner
*NI Copy pixels
ESCRP number color
*NI Write pixels
ESCRR lower-left-corner upper-right-corner fill-color
*NI Fill rectangle
ESCRL array *NI ?
ESCRH position *NI Move to pixel position
ESCRS lower-left-corner upper-right-corner
*NI Change coordinates for pixel operations
ESCRW first-corner opposite-corner
*NI Change window on 4096*4096 coordinates

ESCTD first-color second-color
*NI Change alpha cursor colors
ESCTF colors *NI Change color indices for dialog area
ESCTG plane colors *NI Change color indices for plane
ESCTC first-color second-color third-color
*NI Change GIN cursor color

ESCSX number position
*NI Change GIN cursor position

ESCSUB Enter 4010 GIN mode
ENQ *NI Inquire 4105 status
US *NI Enter 4105 alpha mode
ESCCAN Enter echo suppression mode
FS Enter marker mode
GS Enter vector mode
ESCFF Clear screen, enter alpha mode
ESC#!0 Report terminal mode
ESCENQ Report 4010 status
ESC%! mode Change to a different terminal mode
ESC font Change fonts
ESC style Change 4014 line style
ESCETB 4014 hardcopy